Arts Alive

Our mission statement:
Arts Alive's mission is to promote, support, coordinate and expand the visual, literary and performing arts on the Enumclaw Plateau as well as the Enumclaw/Black Diamond and White River School Districts.

Click here to see all of our artists!
Our aim is to foster the career of artists and have several opportunities for you to get involved. The Gallery is currently accepting applications for showing in our downtown storefront and Arts Alive Studio and Gallery Website. We are looking for artists in all mediums as well as musicians and media artists.
Benefits: Gallery affiliation and the opportunity to exhibit work regularly
Dedicated space in Gallery and Arts Alive Studio Gallery
Inclusion in publicity materials
Opportunities to participate in exhibits in other venues

Arts Alive Studio and Gallery is a non-profit organization that brings together emerging and professional artists working in diverse media.
The Arts Alive Studio and Gallery is pleased to present local artists in our gallery. Most art on exhibit is available for sale and we encourage people to visit often to peruse the many and varied works on display in the gallery and our Arts Alive Studio and Gallery website. pleateauartsalive.azurewebsites.net Artists are constantly changing and adding new items as works are created and sold. Artists are accepted through a juried process.
If you are interested in showing in the Arts Alive Studio and Gallery please contact us at gallery@plateauartsalive.org to schedule an appointment so that we can review your work. More info is provided on our website.

1429 Cole Street
Enumclaw, WA 98022
(360) 802-6787
Monday: Closed
Tuesday-Saturday 11:00am-4:00pm
Sunday: Closed
To view and purchase handmade local art, visit our website above or come stop by!